Proving Grounds open to the public once per year to show off their operations. The police officer Domby, pictured below, said I could call him if we had a difficult time crossing the border 😬 ...He's so cute we might have to do that!
US Navy cadet program age 14 years
Random Vacation Pictures
At this Resturant desert can be served outside if you wish.
...just a random opinion in the middle of these pretty door pictures. I think who ever created the toilet seats in our new RV never had to clean one...just saying...
Love the new Bathroom minus the toilet seat.
Had to cut off the stereo system to get the side by side in the garage. Do I have any volunteers to help reattach and install the unit? Guessing the back camera that doesn't work anymore, is some how related to this unit.
Randy is telling Bob the screen doors do not shut...imagine that...another problem..tell me it isn't true.