Property purchased April 2016 by Tim, Seth, Levi, Beau and Charity.
Let the Work Begin
The kids found their way to breakfast this morning in our accommodated everyone quite comfortably. And it was very toasty warm in here. Wish the fireplace worked with the dry camping. Below the guys are trying to drive the well down to get better water supply. | The little kids get super dirty playing in the rich dirt. The kids stack their hammocks and watch the activity. | There is always lots of work to do. Did I mention that up here in the North the temperature was 40-50 degrees...and the kids did not want to wear their coats. |
Pontoon boats are better in the Water than on Land
Camp fires are fabulous. And warm!
Warmer Weather is a Good Thing
Larry, Bob and Beau decide that the out house is going in today! That is a good thing. This baby has solar lights inside and out. A birch paper holder, camouflage seat and floral paper garland for the girls. And heat on special occasions..and did I mention to love camping. Bathhouses are in the plan. | Oma is pulling tree stumps with the shiny, new, clean and expensive truck. We are not sure this is a good thing. The little boys are in the truck to prevent them from getting run over. We know that is a good thing. Oh Beau you are silly! |

Our sweet boys riding up from the lake on Uncle Seth's truck
Many Good Meals are Served Here
Your mother has truly been blessed with the dinners and lunches that have been made here; by Beau,Tim, Seth and Levi. After all the years of having to cook for all of you, now you cook for us! Excellent meals I may add. The food you all prepare is always special and super tasty. Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!
Preparations Start for Charity's Graduation Gathering...
...Masters Degree
Love the Massive Bon Fires
The Boat is in the Water and Ready to Go!
How long does it take for 6 families to get ready for a boat ride?