On our red bus trip there was a woman that said she saw numerous bears and moose on the hike to Many Glacier...so Bernadette, Mike, Bob and Trish decided to hike the mountain Friday....it was a beautiful day and a wonderful experience basically speaking....10 miles total up and down the mountain we missed 5 moose that others told us about and saw one Grizzly....it was a cold rain for the last two miles and it was at this time we knew Bob should have had different boots, Bernadette was like horse going back to the barn, Trish wondered how she would would walk the next day and Mike wasn't sure he should have offered to carry the camera with the 400mm lens.
One day this week we drove around Flathead Lake near Big Fork, MT and stopped at a cherry farm and bought cherries. They had a strainer on the fence and water to wash your fruit before eating. Wow Super Good Cherries that were on the tree only a few hours before.
Flathead Lake is known for having many heart shaped rocks....