To Michigan...
...the verdict is in and a judgement has been made...
Thank you Jesus for your angels guiding our journey to travel safely home to our family and friends. Miles traveled about 9,931....not going to start in Florida next year!
To Michigan...Spring has sprung here and this is a drive by shot of the countless flowering trees. Back in Texas we needed to stop at the Cadillac Ranch just one more time. The ranch is no more than a place where a man decided to 1/2 bury his old Cadillacs in the dirt and that turned into a road side icon. People are encouraged to spray paint the cars to they're liking. It seems as if humans are abusing this silly, but fun display and have left their empty spray cans and garbage every where. Too bad the lazy have to ruin fun things for everyone . ...the verdict is in and a judgement has been made...This trip is coming to an end and it is exciting to be close to home again. Holland, Michigan is truly a great place to live when we are not travelling. Our first vacation with the new "truck camper" or Rig was a better than expected pleasure. I thought we would have a few negative, personal reactions to the smaller living quarters. But we did not. We had loved traveling with the bigger 43' coach but this luxury truck camper fully meets our demands and more. There has been little things that we like better in the new ride and for now the type of travel we want to do in the new rig is much better. What really took us by surprise this trip was the constant attention that the very sight of our rig produced. Coming from a massive 43' coach I viewed us less than, not equal to, our old rig. But that was not the general reaction. We had many wonderful conversations with many wonderful people across the nation and including Europe. Some of these people we will see again. What a beautiful vacation we have had. Thank you Jesus for your angels guiding our journey to travel safely home to our family and friends. Miles traveled about 9,931....not going to start in Florida next year! ...remember...
We enjoyed good Pizza and a little thrift shopping. Found a H.M. Hadley pitcher which is a collectors piece and a plate I have been looking for almost 2 years. The turkey is open for discussion and is an old piece because I found the scripted S on the bottom which indicates Smith glass company. I need to find the light green Jadeite bottom and the dark green jadeite top. Any one have one they want to sell? We rode up through California and up to Kingman which had very dramatic scenery. | All over the desert cactus are blooming. |
On the way to the book store I said to Bob that I felt that there was something different at the book store. When we pulled into the parking lot, we saw two men and a dog standing a good ways away from the entrance a bit to the right. I wonder why? Well we meet and talked with the owner and found him to be in good health both mentally and physically. He is 73, intelligent and he is an entertainer. He plays the piano at the store in the afternoon. Paul had a delightful personality and he personally invited us to the Sunday in the park concert where there would be food, drink and plenty of music. The following is what we found at the Readers Oasis Books. Did I mention that I had a problem with my eyes in here? They kinda wondered downward.... Also it was crocheted, if you know what I mean. |
| We bought a GEO to crack open. I always wanted to do that and it was fun. We found a good one and it had some unique crystal in it. It also had fluorescent material in it. He put it under an ultraviolet light and it was very green. I just saw a PBS show on fluorescent material and that science is using them to examine the brain. Blues, greens, yellows and reds. |
This family style or menu restaurant was right around the corner from the camp ground and was very good. Not sure I liked the metal plates to eat off. Service is quick and food tasty. Met this precious dog in the parking lot with some local people we talked with for a long time. How cute is she! We had a very active feeder in this park... | Below Tortilla Flats...named after guessed it tortias! ...there is a story here... |
Costa's Humming bird 3 1/4" L Broad-Tailed humming bird 3 3/4" L | This kind man told us all about seeds of the desert and showed me the Agave plant from which we get sweetener from. We have these plants in Florida and I thought they were Mexican Bayonet. These birds flew around us in the Raptor free flight area on the Desert Loop Trail. Super cool to see them flying over head. Nesting female hummer sitting on her nest. Building her nest below. Anna's humming bird 3 3/4"L |
Staying for almost a week at the Mission View Rv park in south Tucson. A very sweet park in an out of the way location. $35 per night and off season they take Passport America. The flowers on trees and bushes are starting to blossom very nicely. We sit in our chairs here and watch the humming birds at the feeder we bought. Went to Medria Canyon just south of here tonight and saw the mother load of humming birds. Saw the Broad Tail with red beak, Rufous, and Magnificent humming bird. Pictures will be loaded onto the bird post. Oh my gosh.... what a highlight to our day. What a find in these birds we always wanted to see these. Missed the Rufous in a picture. I was so shocked to see it glowing orange and golden in the evening sun all I could do is say oh my gosh, oh my gosh....very cool. Medira Canyon Birds | I still think signs are things to we searched for the Elegant Togon we saw this sign, we decided to do something else, some where know what I mean? The National Guard Air Force Base airport was just around the corner from us. This is what we saw most days....not sure why the noise didn't bother us. Fun to watch.... |
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