October 25 left with Steve and Linda up north to view colors. Very windy weekend and only about 40 degrees. Stayed at Poncho's Pond in Ludington and found fresh smoked white fish and chubs to eat. Very nice resort. Clean and super warm hot tub....perfect walks and good time. Dominoes to end day... Saturday was a super misrable, raining, and cold day. Traveled up to Traverse City in peak color and went to Traverse City Mall and saw the Steve Jobs movie....slept in the Walmart parking lot across the street and talked for a few hours. Sunday we arrived at Timber Ridge RV resort at 10am; which was beautiful. Made a large bon fire and made breakfast. Scott and Kris came about noon we found the underground cheese cake factory in the old mental hospital. Wow what beautiful arcitecture to look at. Many cute shops we need to go back to. Organic bakery and lots and lots to do. Many trails to hike. Dinner at the fire, steaks and barbecue pork. Took all day Monday to go home...TRISH GOT THE FIRST GOAL IN FOOS BALL...just saying' Steve...nice trip we need to do it again. Pete sunning him self.
Leaving just after noon we made it to Denver to see Dick and Mavis. Stayed in our rig in front of their condo. Great steak dinner, conversation, and Benedicts for perfect breakfast.
Next on the agenda was a one day stop at Esti National Park Elk here and there and everywhere. Walking through the camp ground etc. Definitely not tame but everywhere in the lower altitudes. This picture was before the park highway70. The only reason we saw this guy is because his horns at a specific angle were against the dark back ground of the distant mountain ...he looked like the rocks he was laying on.
After waiting forever............ for our new truck we finally get to leave to pick the new RV in Oregon. Bob's Birthday, Happy Birthday! We spent 5 hours at the factory learning about the inside and outside of the new "toy". Leaving about 5pm we traveled to the nearest campsite for the night which was Tumalo State Park. Only dry camping left so we proceeded to try remember all the on's and off's of this new thing we just bought. It was going to be in the low 40's of high 30's that night so we needed to figure out how to turn on the new furnace etc etc etc....Randell from Host said we would be calling him that night and he said it was alright...we did....couldn't remember how to turn the water pump on :) The truck needed a couple more stabilizers in the springs so we went north and west to the Pacific coast, New Port...only stayed two days because it was 52-60 degrees and high wind. After the RV work and the Pacific coast we went back down the middle of Oregon again through Sisters, Bend and Crater Lake. The field of horses is a metal sculpture from a local woman...we bought an elk welcome sign...and a partridge family. Shasta Trinity National Forest at the McCloud River
This was the best place of the trip and we stayed here the longest. All the people in the camp were friendly and helpful. Dan and Semir pictured here gave us all their morning fish (cleaned and cold) so we could have trout dinner...talked a lot to these two...very interesting talks...Semir was from Egypt...Christian men who moved to US and are not happy about how weak our country is getting...He knew first hand the evil we see today... Pete chopped our wood every day and his wife makes good peanut butter cookies just like Connies's. I got to hold his dear pom puppy all night...miss my Molly. |
Our Vacation BlogJoin us as we travel and tour the nation in our home on wheels!
About Us
After my husbands widow maker heart attack in 2004, the doctor said just relax and enjoy life for a while. So it happened: the 43' NewMar Mountain Aire coach was purchased and the house sold....eventually. Relaxing? Not always! We are truly blessed to spend this time together... and with friends.
Up Date:September 2015 now traveling with Ford F350diesel dually and Host Mammoth Truck Camper.
2020 March