Just a note. After leaving the Denali Hwy, and back on the S Parks Hwy, I did see Denali. While in the Park we did not. Only 30% do. We did see Denali last time we were here. This time it was a drive by view with no pictures unfortunately. Why only a drive by you ask…well…before entering the Denali Hwy our fuel tank was on a full half and Bob was driving due to my Covid. We drove by the one fuel pump and I said, “ turn around what are you doing.” He said, “ there is fuel in Cantwell.” I said, “ I like to be sure, taking no chances, so turn around please.” Bob said, “ we have 9 gallons in the trunk we will be fine.” I said, “ no turn around please. “ Did he? No of course not. His name on his boat was “Took A Chance”, Imagine that! So we drive into Cantwell, on “E”, I may add, and the fuel pumps have yellow tape on them. Oh gee…really…I told you never to pass a fuel pump. A while later in total silence Bob says, “and how far was the next fuel station? “ I said, “ it was 88 miles.” Getting 8mpg and the fuel needle is now past the empty line. I next say, “you might as well pull over in a nice spot while you have the chance because we are going to need every drop of that 9 gallons you say we have.“. So this is why I have no pictures of Denali. We feared using the extra fuel to go into the look out for the picture. So sad…LIFE WITH BOB! 😂